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Facebook: Known Outstanding Bugs
Facebook: Known Outstanding Bugs
Written by VipeCloud Developer
Updated over 8 months ago

UPDATE 2023: Facebook has shut down their bug reporting system. If any of the below issues occur there is unlikely to be any recourse :(.

Below you will find a list of known bugs on Facebook's side that affect VipeCloud's social sharing feature on their platform. As you can see by reviewing the linked bug reports, we communicate and follow up with Facebook about these issues, but unfortunately these issues can remain outstanding for quite a while. Additionally, you will note that these are issues that affect many other software platforms.

Bug 1: Please reduce the amount of data you're asking for, then retry your request.

Date started: Mar 22, 2021

UPDATE: Facebook claims this is fixed as of April 11, 2022 BUT it is definitely not fixed! The working ticket has been updated below.

Description: This is a strange bug from Facebook for multiple reasons. First, when posting a comment we do not ask Facebook for any data. So, from that perspective, the error received from them is nonsensical. Second, a good percentage (like about half) of posts that receive this error have actually posted successfully. Unfortunately, there is no way for us to know that if our system receives this error from Facebook.

Bug 2: Contact Seller applied to group posts

Update: Facebook claims this is fixed. Please let us know if it occurs again.

Date started: Apr 30, 2021

Description: This is also a strange bug because a Seller flag is thrown by Facebook when it shouldn't be. Our understanding is their algorithm does this. The best workaround we can suggest is to not use any "salesy" terms like product, discount, buy, try, free, etc. Rather, make your posts sound like personal status updates.

Bug 3: "An unknown error occurred" but the post still works

Date started: Jun 18, 2021

Description: Yet another frustrating bug from Facebook - they tell us the post didn't work when in fact it did. Unfortunately, there is not much we can do about this.

Bug 4: #200 permissions error

Date started: May 19, 2021

Description: This bug probably takes the cake for frustration. Facebook throws this error when posting to Groups, not Pages. There seems to be a relationship to this error and posts being flagged as Seller. Facebook has admitted it's a bug, but unfortunately they seem to have given up on attempting to fix it. Perhaps they have lost control of their algorithms

Bug 5: Unsupported request - method type: post

Date started: January 19, 2022

Description: Another runner up for max frustration from Facebook. This is a ridiculous bug, and yet sometimes the post works. Facebook has admitted it's a bug, but unfortunately, it's been months and they have not provided any updates. Another sign they have lost control of their algorithms

Issue 6: Error (#200) New Pages Experience Is Not Supported: This endpoint is not supported in the new Pages experience.

Date started: August 25, 2022

Description: This happens when we try to upload a video to FB, which FB's docs say is not supported even though sometimes it works. When we receive this error we fallback to adding the video link into the comment. This error does not require a refresh. There is no bug report because it's not an error, it's FB doing what the docs say should happen (though the wording makes no sense).

Issue 7: The post says successful in VipeCloud and has a post id link, but the post does not appear in your Facebook Group.

Date started: July 29, 2023

Description: This is super frustrating. Facebook will tell our system the post succeeded, and then not post it. Unfortunately, there isn't much we can do here. We have asked the Facebook developer community for insight; we will update here if/when anyone adds a comment of value to the thread.

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