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How To Launch A Party
How To Launch A Party
Written by Drew Ross
Updated over 7 months ago

In this video, we'll go over how you can use VipeCloud Suites to launch a party to a Party Link.


hello everybody really excited to show you to show you around Suites and parties and so because this is a live stream we're just gonna wait two minutes just to let people uh file in here so yeah once this has been once it's uh two past the hour we'll uh we'll begin

and in case you're just joining us right now um you are tuned into the sweets and parties uh intro live stream and we're just going to wait another minute or so to make sure that everybody has a chance to to join here and then we'll we'll get started

all right let's uh let's get this going so yeah for those who don't know me my name is Drew and I handle customer success here at vipecloud and we're really excited to introduce you to Suites and parties and um yeah just wanted to welcome you to this live stream and just give you an idea of how we're going to be approaching this uh we're going to spend about 10 or 15 minutes talking about what sweets is we're going to demo it um and then after the demo portion we're going to answer your questions so feel free to if you're if you're tuned into our suite you can just comment or chat in there any questions that you have if you're just look if you're just joining us through YouTube you can chat your questions there into uh YouTube and you can send those in at any time but we're going to answer them after we're done with the demo itself so first and foremost why did we make sweets well it's uh kind of because if you haven't noticed Facebook has been kind of uh kind of unpleasant lately um you know it's really been making it a challenge for small businesses to to communicate with their customers with their teammates through groups uh it's been a pretty rough year for businesses using Facebook groups like you know software like VIP Cloud can't even post into groups anymore uh the algorithm has all sorts of issues you know it's just uh it's been it's made doing normal things that should be easy and fun it's made them just a pain and so our goal is to bring back a reliable and easy and importantly too a fun experience for everybody to engage with their customers and with their teams and so you know basically in short you know if you're wondering what what sweets are and what parties are in VIP Cloud sweets are your customer group basically or your unit or your team group sweets are the uh basically what you would use for a group that is ongoing something that doesn't have a an end date to it something that you building over time and so it's you know quite possible that you have actually joined the vi Cloud Suite in order to uh to watch this and so you're able to kind of see what that experience is there and we're going to be walking through this uh later in the live stream too now parties are just that they're for these uh Standalone events something that has a sequence of posts that are predefined that you just hit hit go on and they just run their course and then you're just able to kind of jump in here and there answer comment chat things like that in that uh in that in that party and then it has an an end date because after all it's an event it has an end date and something that we're bringing to the table that I think you're really going to be excited about is the fact that you know you've got this audience built here you don't want to lose that those people are you know people you want to be engaging with so we're going to make it really easy to have people who are in a party funnel into your uh into your ongoing Suite your customer Suite and um yeah so let's uh let's just jump right into the software so you can see what we've got going on

here all right so I've got an example party going here it's called a Glam and glow party and scrolling through here you'll see that as far as like these these posts go and the liking and the commenting this is really quite similar to what people are used to you know you're able to put images in of course emojies uh as you are probably well aware you can you can live stream right into here even using streamyard for instance which is what we're using right now and what you can no longer use in Facebook groups and people can comment you can reply back to them you can like so it's that that fun engaging experience that everybody is used to so going back up here we've added a couple of really cool things that you don't have in Facebook like a chat so in this chat people can actually kind of interact with each other they can have fun commenting having dialogues back and forth uh it's a nice fun engaging place where uh where people can can uh can talk with one another without having to just be purely in comments we still got the post comments you know if somebody wants to respond to something specific but here people can you know you can ask ice breakers and stuff like that and you can also see your your guests here you see everybody who's joined they have they have their own like little profiles and stuff they can have their profile images and you can send them individual chats too really important right because the Fortune's in the followup after all right

so and they can of course respond there you know through the browser through the mobile app you can uh you can have a dialogue back and

forth also you might have noticed we''ve got these what we're calling actions here so here's where you can have like calls to action you know join my VIP Suite book a one-onone pamper session whatever you want to be driving people towards or just making it really convenient for them to uh to do something they they can do that right there it can link to wherever you

like so I now want to show you what it's like for somebody to to to join one of your parties because after all we know that this is really top of mind it's very important that people are able to um to to to join your party really easily because after all this is going to be new and you know people don't always love change so let me let me show you what that looks like

so I'm going to be simply grabbing my invite link pasting it in here so this is the party link that you'll be you know sharing on Facebook or um you know sending out on on on any kind of messenger app that you have this is what people are being invited to and as you can see like this experience right here this is from your guest who's just clicked on the link they can already see the party all they had to do was click on the link and now they're able to see what's happening in the party they're able to see what they're missing and uh they have reasons now to want to join all these cool deals going on these fun games that are happening if your live stream is going you can they'll see the live stream that is uh that's happening at at that very moment and once they feel moved to want to actually join and participate all they have to do is make a login and it's really really easy for them to do exactly that so I'm going to click right here join to participate you can see like if they already happen to have a VI Cloud login they could just use that but if they need to make a new login it's uh here it's as easy

as putting in their email putting in the password that they want click join the

party and then now all they need is the verification code that was emailed to them so I just opened up my email I grabbed the verification

code put in the name and confirm verification

and there we go now we've joined the party we've got our login made and we can start to we can start to

engage so nice and easy really low bar for entry and now they can engage with the

party and so that they're going to be able to actually take a step back so one thing I want to mention too is the reason we are requiring a a login is because we want to make sure that this is a really fun experience for everybody and this this helps with addressing the issue of like just unpleasant people join the party ruining it for everybody uh this way if somebody is a bad apple or something you can you can remove them from the party and just you know continue having fun with everybody else that's in there um also I should mention that you know let's say somebody they they log in they they join your party you they can download the mobile app and get push notifications to their phone every time that you know somebody engages with the chat or there's a new post or you know you send them a message to check in with them their phone's going to buzz when that happens and also coming very soon there's going to be a daily email that they receive saying like what what they missed so if they missed any chats they'll see that and if they miss any posts they'll also see that in the in the email

too so now I want to show you uh you know what it's like in a suite so we've looked at the parties these are for those onetime events and so here is a a sweep oh let me uh let me share

I'm all right there we go so here's the suite um as you'll see it's a very very similar experience so once you're familiar with one you're going to be familiar with the other and really the biggest difference is just that party has has an expiration date and a suite is ongoing it's a community that you are building over time and so looking through here you know you can again you can have any kinds of sweet specific uh actions that you want you can promote your parties you see like here is an example I'm promoting this very party that we're looking at here's that Alex Dean who was previously commenting on my uh on the party so very very similar experience here here um just that it goes on uh

indefinitely and um let's see here yeah I think that's uh I think that's about it for the demo um so we're gonna see Adam here has been watching your uh comments and chats So Adam what do we have hey there um we have we have no comments so far at least that I've seen But I do have a couple things that I can mention um first is privacy options oh wait a minute there are here

um sorry we do have comments

um hi Bridget thanks for being here um when I sign into VI cloud is that via the account I have with Shan or do I need to make an additional account it's uh so so if you already have a VIP cloud account um you can join you're signing into the exact same account so you can join parties you can join suets um all of that and and you can just do it um can you go live in Suites yes we're going live in a suite right now uh from Terry and so um yeah just hit the play button and uh you can you can go live we're going live through streamyard uh you can also go live directly uh through YouTube um those are the two platforms we support right now um and in streamyard it's not a custom rtmp you go streamyard to YouTube and then you get the YouTube link um so great questions there um I want to mention the Privacy options so for a suite if you do have um oh sorry we're getting more questions um we're actually in the process of updating this so that the comments pop up in real time uh and so that will be a cool little cool add Carol's asking can you see who is watching you live that is a YouTube feature and I don't know um yeah I'm not sure if YouTube does that obviously they comment you can see that but I'm not sure if YouTube gives you that

Insight let's see it says uh sweets is not so Julie is having issues adding a comment in sweet and sweets that's interesting um Shelly if you uh Julie that could be a bug I'm not sure why there are other comments popping in here Julie also has a question here about if there's an additional cost for sweets yeah I'll go ahead and handle that so is the comment part different from the chat yes the comment is different than the chat um okay so Co so joining sweets joining parties totally free so all of your guests everybody that you do uh that you want to invite just like in Facebook it's there's zero cost right zero barrier to entry if you want to host a suite if you want to host a party um then there is an additional fee um if you have no other VIP Cloud relationship then it's $15 a month um or 150 for the year you can save a little bit uh on the monthly uh if you have if you're if you have a VIP cloud account then it's only $10 a month um and so that's because you know we don't sell your data we don't do advertising we're not we're not a Facebook um and so we do have to cover you know the costs of actually managing this but I think these costs are much more competitive than other options I've seen out there and um and hopefully that's that's very reasonable

um let's see is uh so a couple other questions here I see here there are six comments but I'm not

able uh let's see Shelly if you could send a screenshot or perhaps perhaps refresh your page she said she's seeing those comments but not able to see them perhaps uh refresh uh and then Bridget is the comment part different from the chat yes so comments on a post are uh comments on a post um and then if You tab over to the chat feature um that's where there can be chats um so if you scroll all the way up in the suite you have the feed in the chat um and and that's a group chat and then um individual chats are an option as well go into some details there see view

more well Julie also has a question about can you schedule posts in batches for these parties and yes absolutely you can make we call that a sequence template where you know you just predefine what uh what a party sequence is going to look like and then you uh you just you just post that out and you can uh and that's template that you can just repeat as many times as needed um however your second part of the question about you know if so can we port in what we have built from say C share um that is not something that you can do uh you will have to you know remake that uh that sequence but once you've got it it say it's repeatable just like it is in say a s share and I do believe that some vas offer that at an hourly rate um and so uh it oh that's that's kind of a perfect job for a VA as well is to to copy and paste them over um had a couple other questions um Dana asked uh you know she knows that there's parties available how do you access them and that is uh looking up sequences and so uh on the left sidebar uh in your VIP cloud account uh it you'll either see sequences as a main header or um under your communication tab clicked social and that'll drop down and then you can go to sequences um and then they are they are shared with you really quickly yeah Drew you able to demo that yeah so that's just over here in your left side under engagement you'll have sequences and you know here under my sequences these are going to be all of the ones that you have they that are like yours that haven't been shared with you but then under shared with me you might have to look in there in case maybe you have an admin or a VA who has shared sequences with you you'll find those listed out here if they have been shared with you and if your sidebar looks a little different uh there are a couple of different sidebars you can toggle between so just toggle to the Sweet sidebar and that's that's the easiest thing right up here if it's if you're under Communications CRM it's just going to be easiest if you're doing anything social uh or SE or U or Suites related just click up here go to Suites and then it's going to be streamlined for doing all things suets and social

posting oh good Shelley said uh she refreshed and it's all there yeah so we're working on getting the uh the comments to to show up in real time um Tiffany it's interesting you had to refresh a couple times to see it um yeah this is brand new we gota you know we're we're getting it bulletproof we're getting there um I was watching in viite Cloud sweets and when I refreshed my screen it bumped me into YouTube interesting you might have maybe click the title um that's just all embedded videos if you click the title uh it will bump you over to YouTube um because this is a it is a YouTube video

okay I

think then I had to restart the live video yeah uh Carol so you do have to hit the you do have to hit the play button that's a it's an embed just permission thing you can't just start playing videos when it loads

um so yeah so we will get the comments to just kind of pop up uh that's something that we're definitely working on uh and might even be a little bug it should I think be working but otherwise this all I think looks great couple other things we do have one more question if uh oh here we go y Julie can you go live using Zoom or just streamyard uh currently just streamyard uh streamyard and YouTube are the ones that work a streamyard through YouTube um if Zoom can stream into YouTube that I'm not familiar with that then you can do that but we don't work directly with zoom yet uh zoom's actually very difficult to work with um so we do have an integration where you can upload custom backgrounds to zoom but they are a frustrating company to work

with um couple other things I'd like to add is uh privacy you have complete control as to whether guests can see other guests and so you can as the host you can turn on the um uh the ability to see guests or not um otherwise you know just you as the admin will always be able to see them of course and remove them you can make other people admins uh and they can uh then approve and deny people um if you have that as a as a thing or remove people from the group and um there are two privacy levels for that link so Drew demoed the party level privacy where you can see all the posts just by going to the link um you might not want that for your Suite let's say you have a you know a VIP Suite or something special you might want to require that there there's an approval process for them to join um in which case they would just see that that you know enter your email and password first it would shoot you a note to approve them but we do have allow list so you can you know have a contact list that says everybody with this email will just automatically be approved but um but there is that that extra level of privacy for you um and I think the biggest the biggest probably takeaway I think from all of this is that over the you know even when Facebook was working it was frustrating and now it's getting nearly impossible to use right they're cutting out they've cut out the API for groups they've cut out going live they're now blocking links um our links other people's links YouTube links are kind of working but we'll see if that um that you know how long that works um and here um and you can never ever talk to a human being at Facebook so if you wanted something done it just it was it was a black hole and here we listen to our customers we build things we fix things we you know we're we're here to build this for you and we're really excited about that um Julie asked a question can you go over more Facebook groups versus this um I think that covers it a little bit um it's it is very similar in that it's you know it can be a private place there's a feed there's chat there um we have the party component which is like a events um but I think a lot of people are very frustrated with Facebook of course it's where people are and so I understand how they're you know it can be a big X Factor are people going to want to join this and that's why we've made it totally free for your guests we've made it so that they don't even need to log in they can just go to the link um but in order to engage you can't have Anonymous internet people engaging and so we do do have a small barrier but all we literally ask for is an email and a password and so it's it really is a as little as possible and that's because we're not generating income from data and so we don't need all of that information um so Julie I hope that clarifies a little bit I think another thing that's worth pointing out is that we're we're doing this with supporting small business owners such as yourself in mind so we that's why we're including things like those action links that could actually just go completely off of bcloud property like Facebook doesn't want you to do that it doesn't want your guests to go to your in touch because Facebook doesn't make any money from that or or if they're going to do that you're gonna have to advertise and it's going to cost you money so we're here to support you first and

foremost yeah and if you look at our own Suite if you scroll up to the top here you can see we have our own action links our health center um we have an affiliate program we have a bonus this month where you get double commission for anybody referred in July and we'd love to know what topics to cover next this live stream is going to happen weekly we're going to do this weekly it's going to uh we're going to do some deep dives into Suites we're also going to cover all the other things that we do emailing um posting to Pages automations signup forms texting uh all sorts of stuff and so this is here to this is here to help you uh you know learn and and for us to listen to you and hear the questions you have and that influences our product right people are asking I can't find this in the product we make it easier to find um let's see another question came in Julie can you do unlimited party s yes you can do unlimited parties you can have unlimited Suites as long as you have the add-on or the sweets only subscription you can do as many as you want and I was doing party swees and then moving them to a private customer Group after that's perfect and frankly that could be on Facebook it could be in sweets um again as Drew said we're okay with you leaving our platform you could have an action link that says join me on Facebook from your parties um and and that's allowed we're not not allowed that um you could also uh you know have it be a customer Suite um and so we're we're there's a lot coming there's a lot more coming we're building some really cool automations around this and all of this another big difference between Facebook is this is designed for your sales and marketing it's designed to help you build your business whereas groups in many ways were an afterthought at Facebook part of the reason uh the scuttlebutt they shut down the API is it was just such a scotch tape piece of work put together um that uh it just just got too complicated and so this is designed for you to grow your business from the ground

up I think that's it on the questions Dre I don't see anything else um yeah let's see

here uh here we go couple more um just wondering if we create a link and post in Facebook will they block that or remove it so our customers can't see it we we have no no idea what's going on with Facebook um my best guess because in the the I'm getting more and more data points that this is kind of happening is they are identifying behaviors among groups of people and so because you know a lot of people are connected to a a one VA or another they are identifying that hey everybody is suddenly sharing this link or everybody is suddenly sharing this link and and they don't like that behavior because that is that is exactly how disinformation were to spread um as much as it feels like I think this we we all feel like we're being targeted that this use case is targeting us exactly um who knows with the party links uh can you post those on Facebook in theory you should be able to um you know you're not going to have an army of people sharing your party link and so I think you know there's there's a good chance that that will continue to work um you will also be able to text it out to email it so on and so forth

um yeah Terry said yeah so Facebook is and and it's not they there's not a human doing this this is all AI this is all entirely Ai and it's and it's get getting a hints of actions from here and there they don't care if it's an appropriate or not they see just yeah random stuff some of some of what they claim is inappropriate simply means it's off of Facebook um and and that's very frustrating like you if you have a video to post they really want you to upload it to Facebook um they really don't seem to like sharing PDFs um but uh but also what's also very frustrating about this is if like one person Flags it if there's a bad apple out there in your network and one person Flags it or another person Flags it that that could trigger taking it down too um so Facebook is is just it's become very frustrating know that's we wish I mean honestly I we we wish we didn't have to build Suites but we spent the first half of the Year doing this but we're here we're now super excited about it and um uh and now we're getting back to building the other stuff we wanted to build uh that was all it was all really awesome while also improving sweets but you know it is what it is Facebook Facebook is so powerful they don't seem to really care

anymore uh can you add more emojis for emails uh from Dana um can you add more uh yeah we have a pretty big library of emojis um but uh we will see what we can do um I think we have a couple thousand emojis um if there's a yeah let me know there's a Dana please email uh support at VIP Cloud if there's like a particular set of emojis or something that you're looking for yeah be curious yeah if you can share some specifics about the Emojis uh that would be helpful because who knows maybe we already have it in there um yeah and yeah Julie has a question here uh about so to be clear this will send an email every day there's a post in a suite and that's the only notification during a party uh well if they download the mobile app they they'll have a a push notification so that's actually the ideal situation is I would say just you know create some kind of incentive for them to download the mobile app especially as your first hosting parties uh with VIP cloud and then their phone will buzz in real time and that's the ideal situation but we're creating that email as a back stop to make sure that because we know not everybody's going to download the uh the mobile app especially to start and so this is just to make sure there's a fail safe that they are not missing out on chats and and put and post notifications and things along those lines

very good all right everybody well thank you all I think I think we're GNA go ahead and call it we'd like to keep this to just a you know half hour with about half demo half Q&A um obviously we expect a lot more Q&A for a brand new feature like this um but uh but if you have any questions please um please you know let us know oh here's Sony uh how to set up a party yes we do have a help center article on that um we will uh we will add it in the comment um right after this so yeah I think we're gonna we're gonna be doing more of these live streams too and in these live streams we're going to be going the goal here today so Sonia you actually didn't really miss how to set up a party here because we were really just talking about what parties are and what Suites are in VI cloud and so we are have a help center article that discusses that we'll be sure to send that over to you and and then yeah there's going to be uh you know next week at this time we'll be doing another one of these um and for sure we'll soon be talking we'll be doing one of these as well that's just purely talking about how to set up a

party wonderful all right thank you everybody we're really excited for this and um and please keep the questions and and all that coming this this sweets is for you it is so let us know how it can be better for you thank you so much and we'll see you next week yeah thanks so much for tuning in guys have a good one

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