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How To Livestream Into Suites And Parties Using Zoom & YouTube
How To Livestream Into Suites And Parties Using Zoom & YouTube
Written by Drew Ross
Updated over 6 months ago

In this video, you'll learn how to use Zoom and YouTube to livestream into your Suites and Parties.


hello everybody my name is Drew and we're going to talk about how you can use zoom and YouTube to live stream into your sweets and parties so when you're doing this Zoom is a software that you're going to be using that you're going to be working with the most and it's what creates and controls the live stream itself but then YouTube is what broadcasts it and also creates that all important link that you'll then be using to post into your Suite or party and it's in that embedded link that your uh guests will be tuning into to your live stream so uh there are some downsides to using uh Zoom to live stream rather than something like streamyard which is actually what we're using today to create this uh Zoom can't stream a pre-recorded video which is actually what we're doing here and it also can't create a live stream uh on YouTube in advance and so this means that you need to go live in Zoom uh and then in real time when you're already live you have to then set the stream live in YouTube grab that link and then post that link into your Suite or your party with streamyard you can easily get that YouTube link uh in advance basically creating that live stream scheduled in YouTube ahead of time and then you've got a little bit more breathing room as far as uh creating that post uh in your sweet or party so since this all needs to be done in real time with zoom if you're on the fence between zoom and streamyard we would actually recommend checking out streamyard first but we know some people prefer zoom and that's fantastic we're able to support that here and that's what we're going to cover right now uh so first of all you need a paid Zoom account and also YouTube needs to have live streaming enabled and so we're going to talk about all of this covering all those steps that you need to be aware of ahead of time and also we're going to uh like show you how you can post this into your sweeter party too um so let me share this first of all so what we're going to do right now is just uh show you what you need to make sure of uh make sure is in place in YouTube to begin with so here we are over in in YouTube and you'll want to go into your YouTube Creator Studio go to your settings Channel and feature eligibility right here and so this is important because there are certain things that YouTube requires you have uh in place some certain approvals basically before you can embed a live stream using one of their links so without this being covered then you your link will simply not work so you'll especially want to check your Advanced you want to see that all of these are enabled and especially the advanced features and you're going to need to make sure that these uh that all of your intermediate features are enabled and that at least one of these that you either have a sufficient Channel History or that you have verified yourself with a valid ID like a passport or driver's license or that you have created a video verification where you basically use your phone to record yourself and prove that you're not a robot because that's ultimately what YouTube is trying to protect against here so you'll need to make sure that all of that is in place now uh we're going to go to zoom so let me switch the we're going to switch over here to your Zoom settings actually let's just take a step back I'm going to go straight from the zoom page and what you're going to want to do is log into your uh not the not the downloaded client but the actual zoom. Us website go to my account go to

settings go to

meeting over here we're going to skip down to in meeting

Advanced and we are going to scroll down

here keep going keep

going right here allow live streaming of meeting so this is if you see this you're good but if you haven't done this yet you'll see this turned off you'll need to turn it on and make sure that YouTube is checked and make sure that you see that this update is here so this is making sure that your Zoom client when you go live that is able to stream from your Zoom live stream into uh into YouTube and if you don't see this here it's probably because your Zoom account isn't a paid account and zoom requires that you have a paid account in order to do this kind of live

streaming and so now we're going to jump over to the zoom downloaded client and I need to change what I am presenting

here okay so now we are in

Zoom here I actually need to so what I just did was I created meeting and now we're going to go into that meeting itself okay so here we go now we're in that meeting itself and you're going to click on more and then live stream live on YouTube I just realized that little window there is not appearing here I'm going to just share my

entire I'm G to share my entire screen apologies here this will this will work now okay so now we are doing more live stream live on YouTube I was trying to avoid sharing my whole screen because I know it is a little bit big and it might be small on some monitors um hopefully this is working for you so now that I clicked on that that live on YouTube this popped up and now we are going to go we're GNA we're going to use this right here so I'm going to click into this account here and you can see right here now now we're connecting our live stream with YouTube this is going to be the name of the meeting this is going to be the name of the video on YouTube so we'll just say

uh Dre event and I'd recommend keeping this public for yourself because this is a test uh I'm going to keep this uh unlisted but you'll probably want it to be public we're going to hit go

live and now this is sending it over into

YouTube there we go

and voila now we have a live stream in YouTube and it's broadcasting what my zoom is recording so right now you just see that that blank screen right there this will be uh you know assuming that you got your zoom camera and microphone on this is going to be broadcasting what is on your webcam and what's being recorded by your webcams mic now we want to grab the share link we're going to copy this and we are going to

head into here we go we're going to head into VIP Cloud now here I'm going to switch this back to just showing

my my browser

okay there we go so I have copied the share link from the YouTube that is streaming right now and I'm going to go into my Suites and so you might be sharing this into a suite which is kind of like your customer group or your team group um or you also might be doing an event like a party and so I'm going to show both of these different scenarios so first of all we're going to go into my customer Suite here because maybe I'm going to be doing a live stream with uh with just my customers and so we got create a new post and we're going to paste that link in here and there we go this is now grabbing my live stream and you know

and then you can then post that and you are going to need to refresh it for the uh for that for that live to appear there but there we go this is that YouTube video that I just created that is rolling live as we speak also you might have a an event a party where you want this to be posted as well so in that case you would go into your parties and we've got a oh here we go this this party actually expired it it's the same it's the same process to be honest um so what you would do is in your parties right here you would have live parties that are going on and that part you'll just simply click on go to party and then post it in there um at the appropriate time because again you have to remember that if you're using Zoom this is all this all has to happen live and so you're going to be doing it all in real time so it's really not going to be a scheduled post that you're going to be doing this is going to be a live post that you throw in there at the exact

time so um that covers the bulk of this let me switch this back to my face excellent so um let us know if you have questions about this we're more than happy to help you know we're we're really excited that're were able to support both uh Zoom as well as streamyard for this because we know that people have their favorites and um definitely suggest trying this ahead of time uh especially if you're doing Zoom because it has to happen real time you know it's extremely important that you go live when you're telling your audience that you're that that the live stream is going to be starting and so we definitely recommend having a trial run getting used to this workflow it is really quite straightforward if you're used to it um but I certainly was practicing this um ahead of time here and I would definitely recommend that you do the same now if you have any questions we are eager to help here so this is going to be right here in our in our suite so throw any questions you have in the chat or in comments we'll be watching this uh we'll be monitoring all of that as this is rolling so even though this is a pre-recorded video I'm going to be there uh happy to answer your questions in real time and of course if you're watching this recorded after uh afterwards still throw your questions in the chat or in the comments and we will be eager to answer them if you happen to find this on YouTube also feel free to throw questions into the uh chat or comments there too and we'll also be happy to answer them uh there as well so I hope this has been uh helpful and informative and I hope you have a lovely rest of your day thank you

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